Probably a coincidence.

Left: Tiger 8 ‘Strolch’ (Bad lad or ScallywagπŸ˜›) from schwere Panzer-Kompanie ‘Meyer’, it was very briefly attached to Reichs Grenadier Regiment 132(44th HundD) at the beginning of August 1943 to help them disarm Italian formations.

Retrieved from TIGER TRACKS website:

Right: SPWs from 11.(gep.)/ SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 2 in Kharkov, 12 March 1943. SS-Uscha. ‘Pieke’ Bliesener nicknamed his SPW ‘Strolch’: behind him comes the SPW of SS-Uscha. Karl Kempfe. The vehicle came under fire shortly after the photo was taken and Kempfe was, unfortunately, KIA.Β 

See Werner Kindler, 2014, “Obedient Unto Death”, p.53.